Amaryllis Charisma
Amaryllis bulbs
are among the easiest plants to grow we'll show you how. But first, you
should know that an Amaryllis is really a Hippeastrum. Hippeastrums
are in the genus Ammaryllidacea (a family of flowering plants) which is the source
of the confusion.
The true Amaryllis consists of a single species,
Amaryllis belladonna, also known as "naked ladies". However, there are more
50 spe
cies of Hippeastrum. We will use the popular name ,
Amaryllis, though you will also see them referred to elsewhere, more correctly, as

visist our blog for many more posts on Amaryllis!
You Can Grow Amaryllis Bulbs!
Amaryllis(Hippeastrum) bulbs are among the most spectacular of all flowering
bulbs you can grow! They can
produce several stems of giant trumpet shaped flowers in one season. They are
available in a wide variety of color including white, pink, salmon, red, and
This website will give you ALL the information that you need to
grow beautiful Amaryllis plants. Whether you've just received a potted gift, or are
trying to coax a dormant amaryllis into bloom, we'll show you what to

Our Amaryllis
Scarlet Baby specimen!
Mature plants can get quite large but there are many
smaller varieties that are compact and will fit on a windowsill. With just a
little care, amaryllis bulbs will get bigger and produce more flowers every
year. You can expect two or more stems, each with at least four large flowers
per stem, if you grow your bulbs well! Start now
with our Amaryllis Care Guide >